The politicians and lobbyists have had their chance to respond to a court-ordered study that will guide the future of the Columbia River system and its network of dams and reservoirs.
The four lower Snake River dams are at the center of the dispute between environmental groups that favor removal and opponents who tout the vast economic and environmental benefits they provide.
Now it’s the public’s turn to weigh in.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and the Bonneville Power Administration are accepting comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement, which recommends the dams remain in place with operational, structural and maintenance adjustments to improve fish habitat.
Officials will hold six public comment meetings throughout the region, including from 4-8 p.m. March 18 at the Red Lion Columbia Center in Kennewick. The formal program begins at 5:15 p.m.
Similar meetings are planned in Lewiston (March 17), Seattle (March 19), Spokane (March 25), Kalispell, Montana (March 26) and Portland (March 31).
Written comments will be accepted through April 13 at Army Corps of Engineers, CRSO EIS, P.O. Box 2870, Portland, OR 97232.
The authors of the study will respond to comments in the final statement, due this summer.
The draft EIS and related documents are posted at crso.info. Request a CD-ROM, flash drive or paper copy of the executive summary by leaving messages at [email protected] or 800-290-5033.