A Richland flower shop at the center of a discrimination lawsuit for its previous owner’s refusal to provide flowers to a gay couple will close its doors at the end of the month.
His leadership at Hanford began in February 2019 with a limited appointment as the manager of the DOE Office of Environment Management’s Richland Operations Office and Office of River Protection. He was named the permanent manager of both offices in July 2020.
The median earnings of a typical working woman in Washington were $17,400 less than those of a typical working man in 2023, a $1,000 improvement from 2022.
State revenue, inflation and housing are the bright spots, while unemployment, job losses and the state’s reliance on Canadian oil and gas are current and potentially future challenges.
A variety of factors could be causing or combining to kill off honeybees at a faster pace this year. Known stressors include nutrition deficiencies, mite infestations, viral diseases and possible pesticide exposure during the previous pollinating season.
More than 84 megawatts of data center capacity came online in the region over the past year, boosting the total to nearly 250 megawatts, according to CBRE Inc. Despite that increased inventory, less than half a megawatt remains unused, indicating high demand.
The credit union has six branches spread across the Tri-Cities. It was not disclosed whether any of the planned layoffs would be among staff at those locations.