Age: 30
Current city of residence: Pasco
How long have you lived in the Tri-Cities? 29 years
Briefly describe your company:
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is one of 17 national labs under the U.S. Department of Energy. PNNL is a leading center for scientific discovery in chemistry, data analytics, earth science and technological innovation in sustainable energy and national security.
How long have you worked there? 3.5 years
Education: Please list any degrees and professional certifications.
Associates of arts, Columbia Basin College.
Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Ethnic Studies, Washington State University.
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, Washington State University.
Master of Education, Leadership in Higher Education, University of Washington.
Briefly describe your job and how you got into it:
I get the opportunity to work with interns across PNNL. I specifically manage the high school program and get to be a part of their learning journeys through the students' internships in STEM or business fields. It is really exciting to be able to witness the progress and growth not only in their internships, but in their journeys post-internship as well.
How did you earn your first dollar?
When I was in elementary school during the summer break, my parents would take me with them on occasion to pick cherries. These were very special moments that I will forever cherish. They taught me the foundation of hard work. That is how I made my first dollar.
What advice would you give to your younger self about achieving success?
Looking back, I would tell myself to not fear failure but embrace it and learn from it. As young students, I think we all get caught up on avoiding failure, but as I get older, I see it was all part of the process that got me to where I am today. Failure is OK, as long as you are learning from it and keep moving forward.
What was your dream job as a child?
My dream job growing up was being a chef.
What would make our community a better place to live?
I think if more people got to see the power of helping and giving to those in need.
What would be your top 3 priorities to make our community a better place?
Mentorship opportunities for underserved communities.
More community events that focus on different resources available to everyone.
Random acts of kindness.
If you had unlimited time, what volunteer work would you be interested in doing?
I would definitely like to help migrant families with resources and knowledge to get adequate help and support to better themselves and the lives of their families.
How do you achieve work-life balance?
Setting boundaries between work and life is very important for my mental health. I make sure to leave work at work. When I am off, I focus on things that bring me joy and peace, such as reading, cooking, being outside, visiting a friend or learning something new.
Do you have family? Pets?
I have both of my parents who also live here in Pasco and two younger brothers. I do not have pets, but I consider my plants like pets.
What brought you to the Tri-Cities? Did you grow up here?
My parents came here because of the work opportunities through agriculture. I basically grew up in Pasco all my life.
What are you currently binging on TV?
Lots of BBQ videos
on YouTube:
"Meat Church BBQ."
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
I have never watched a Harry Potter film
Favorite Tri-City restaurant?
Woo's Teriyaki
Planner or procrastinator?
A little bit of both for the perfect balance.