In the course of his marketing career, Tom Moore has sold ads on television, radio and newspapers. So when Moore founded his Richland advertising agency, Mooreshots Direct, he drew on all of that experience.
[blockquote quote="The whole idea of marketing is to be attention grabbing and to show the personality of a business." source="Tom Moore, owner of Mooreshots Direct" align="right" max_width="300px"]
“I’d always wanted to be in business for myself, but needed to wait until the timing was right,” Moore said.
Moore established the full-service advertising agency in November 2007. Prior to that, he worked for two different television stations in the Tri-Cities area, a radio station in Seattle, was ad manager for a King County journal newspaper. In the 1980s, Moore was a sports director for KNDU-TV.
“I really enjoy having the ability to use all the mediums, which is really advantageous for our clients,” he said. “In the past, when I worked at the stations and the newspaper, I was limited to just one. Now we can provide an unbiased view of the marketplace.”
For the first few years, Moore worked from home.
“But I got tired of meeting people at Starbucks and realized it was time to get my own space,” he said.
Moore has only one employee, his office manager Kim Hatch. The videographer/photographer, graphics artists and other talent he needs periodically are all independent contractors.
“I hire the best talent I can find. Some of these people have been with me for years,” Moore said. “It’s so different now with cell phones, the internet and email. It’s like they’re telecommuting yet they’re not actually employed by Mooreshots Direct.”
Moore said he works predominantly doing radio and television ads, digital media, logo design, billboards and organizes special events and projects.
“The whole idea of marketing is to be attention grabbing and to show the personality of a business,” he said. “To do that, I live by the three Rs: Reach the right people; have the right message; and repetition. Just having one more person seeing your logo, hearing your name is key to marketing and advertising.”
Moore said his client list is diverse and growing every year.
“It’s exciting, but I’m at the point in my career where I want to pull back a bit. Those 50- and 60-hour weeks — no thanks. It’s important to have a balance between business and my personal life,” Moore said.
Yet, Moore’s not ready to retire either.
“I enjoy the creative part of advertising, coming up with slogans and tag lines, and I like that things are new and different every day,” he said.
Mooreshots Direct is at 660 George Washington Way, Suite B, Richland. Reach him by phone at 509-460-1656 or by email at [email protected].