The Pasco School District’s new Early Learning Center opened for students Jan. 8.
The 19,000-square-foot building features 10 classrooms, offices and a multi-purpose room.
The building, which used to be the Pasco Senior Center, houses some of the district’s Early Childhood Educational Assistance Program, or ECEAP, classes, and special education preschool classes for students ages 3 to 5.
ECEAP is an income-based, state-funded preschool program.
ECEAP and the special education program used several classrooms at elementary schools throughout the district, so consolidating them into one building will free up classroom space and provide inclusion opportunities for students at the early learning center, as well as allow for better collaboration between the programs’ educators, Pasco officials said.
The building is expected to accommodate about 280 children.
The construction/renovation of the building at 1315 N. Seventh Ave. cost $3.9 million.
The city of Pasco sold the building to the Pasco School District for $1.26 million. The senior center moved out at the end of 2016. City officials said declining use of the center over the past 15 years prompted the sale.
Senior programs now share space with other city recreation programs inside a triple-wide modular building at 505 N. First Ave.
MH Construction of Kennewick was the general contractor for the school district project.
Meier Architecture Engineering of Kennewick handled the design work.