Biggest Little Shop of Fun, 233757 E. SR 397, Kennewick, has applied for a marijuana producer tier 3 license.
Washington State Cannabis, 234805 E. Straightbank Road, Ste. E, Finley, has applied for a marijuana processor license.
Kennewick Creek Gardens, 236719 E. Lechelt Road, Kennewick, has applied for marijuana producer tier 3 and marijuana processor licenses.
Sweet Dream Gardens, 234805 E. Straightbank Road, Ste. G, has applied for a marijuana producer tier 2 license.
TKO Reserve, 234805 E. Straightbank Road, Ste. F, has applied for a marijuana producer tier 2 license.
BLF North, 46415 E. Badger Road, Ste. B, Benton City, has applied for a marijuana producer tier 3 license.
Nexus, 47305 S. 2066 PRSE Ste. A, Kennewick, has been approved for a marijuana producer tier 3 license.
Thrive, 2526 E. Hillsboro St., Ste. A, Pasco, has been approved for a marijuana retailer license.