Top property values have been rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Description: 67-acres and 64-acres of agricultural land, 1802 Glenwood Road, Pasco. Price: $1,750,000. Buyer: J & B Orchards/Tri-Cities LLC. Seller: Douglas Holdings LLC.
Description: 4.2 acres, 1015 Road 28, Pasco. Price: $647,400. Buyer: Pentecostal Church of God Emanuel. Seller: Trinity Lutheran Church.
Description: One acre of residential land, 910 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. Price: $470,000. Buyer: Kyle Hagen. Seller: CHM Development LLC.
Description: 2,822-sq.-ft., single family home, 6613 Saddlebred Loop, Pasco. Price: $444,700. Buyer: Barbara J. Sall. Seller: New Tradition Homes.
Description: 7,900-sq.-ft. commercial building, 6825 Burden Blvd., Pasco. Price: $2,713,000. Buyer: Elliott Bay Healthcare Realty LLC. Seller: BLT LLC.
Description: 2,595-sq.-ft., single-family home, 7028 Sandy Ridge Road, Pasco. Price: $443,000. Buyer: Patrick D. Cooley and Lynne R. Roeder. Seller: Hammerstrom Construction, Inc.
Description: 3,016-sq.-ft., single-family home, 9541 W. Sagemoor Road, Pasco. Price: $390,000. Buyer: Matthew and Megan Woolf. Seller: Drew and Nadine Vincent.
Description: 3,135-sq.-ft., single family home, 2859 Karlee Dr., Richland. Price: $392,800. Buyer: Micky N. and Nichole M. Castle. Seller: Landmark Homes of Washington.
Description: .28 acres, residential land, 5907 W. 41st Ave., Kennewick. Price: $367,900. Buyer: Paul A. and Kelli C. Foos. Seller: Riverwood Homes, Inc.
Description: 2,695-sq.-ft, single-family home, 1351 Kensington Way, Richland. Price: $380,000. Buyer: Brandt C. Mohr. Seller: Pahlisch Homes, Inc.
Description: 2,771-sq.-ft., single-family home, 464 Cherry Blossom, Richland. Price: $420,000. Buyer: Nigel Stevenson. Seller: Dennis L. and Patricia B. Hayes.
Description: 3,039-sq.-ft., single-family home, 1460 Westgate Way, Richland. Price: $473,000. Buyer: Monte K. and Leslie F. Drake. Seller: Greg and Lynda Tripp.
Description: 3,300-sq.-ft., single-family home, 1791 Brianna Ct., Richland. Price: $392,700. Buyer: Jason J. and Kristin M. Sweesy. Seller: New Tradition Homes, Inc.
Description: 2,526-sq.-ft., single-family home, 2450 Woods Dr., Richland. Price: $415,000. Buyer: Ronald E. and Regina Cone Jr. Seller: Pahlisch Homes, Inc.
Description: 4,545-sq.-ft., single-family home, 1335 Alla Vista St., Richland. Price: $745,000. Buyer: Michele G. Abrams. Seller: Lapierre Enterprises, Inc.