A new strip center at 6205 W. Okanogan Ave. in Kennewick will be complete and ready to lease in mid-November.
The 15,400-sq.-ft. building is at the corner of Kellogg Street and Okanogan Avenue, near Goodwill Industries and WorkSource.
Eric Blankenship is the general contractor on the $1.5 million project, which is owned by 3 BLANKS LLC, a partnership of Terry and Terry Blankenship, Eric and Genoa Blankenship and Mark and Jessica Blankenship.
The building, designed by Pacific Building Systems of Woodburn, Ore., has eight individual storefronts, 12 overhead doors and a reinforced slab designed to withstand heavy loads.
The building was designed to be flexible for both present and future use and can accommodate from one to eight tenants.
The project was built to meet demand for quality, centrally-located industrial space in the Tri-Cities.
The leasing cost for warehouse space in the building is $7.20 per square foot per year and office space is $13 per square foot per year, plus triple net.
For leasing information, contact Terry Blankenship or Eric Blankenship at Eastside Commercial Real Estate, 8905 W. Gage Blvd., Ste. 209 in Kennewick. The phone number is 509-783-1107. Reach Terry Blankenship by cell phone at 509-948-9953 or by email at [email protected]. Eric Blankenship can be reached by calling 509-366-5100 or by email at [email protected].