Spudnuts is famous for its potato flour doughnuts.
This year’s annual Spring Senior Times Expo was April 16 featured bingo, a fashion show and food for purchase.
The popular senior-focused expo attracts many exhibitors showcasing their products and services geared toward active and retired seniors. Booths offered information about regional activities, health care, investments, retirement, senior living facilities and more. Many vendors gave away free goodies.
New this year was bingo games with Bingo Boulevard of Kennewick with a variety of prizes was available and a fashion show for seniors with d. lynne’s boutique in Kennewick.
Tumbleweeds Mexican Flair of Richland and West Richland served up special senior meals for purchase from its on-site food truck.
The expo also served free coffee and Spudnuts, while supplies lasted.
Thanks to these sponsors for helping to make the event a success: