Washington state earned a B in social distancing, a better grade than Benton and Franklin counties’.
Benton earned a C. Franklin got an F.
The March 24 scores come from Unacast, a company that collects and analyzes smartphone GPS location data to compile a “Social Distancing Scoreboard.”
It scores state and county level performance to show how behaviors are changing across the country in the wake of social distancing recommendations from national and world health experts to reduce the spread of coronavirus, which causes COVID-19.
Unacast says the metrics show a correlation between the number of confirmed cases and the reduction in the average distance traveled.
Unacast uses the decrease in the total distance traveled as a rough index to determine whether people are staying home.
Overall, the United States scored a B.
The company, which has offices in New York City and Oslo, Norway, compares the data to pre-COVID-19 levels for comparison.
The Unacast scorecard is searchable and updated regularly.
Unacast said it doesn’t identify any individual person, device or household. It combines tens of millions of anonymous mobile phones and their interactions with each other each day and then extrapolates the results to the population level.