Top property values listed start at $500,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.
1659 Brantingham Road, Richland, 3,000-square-foot residential home with pool. Price: $500,000. Buyer: David & Grace McNally. Seller: John Bojorquez.
27903 S. 816 PR SE, Kennewick, 4,000-square-foot residential home on 4.5 acres. Price: $825,000. Buyer: Derrick & Kathleen Stricker. Seller: Michael & Renee Conatore.
2510 Morris Ave., 4813 Jodie St., 2504 Brodie Lane, 2510 Brodie Lane, 2516 Brodie Lane, 2522 Brodie Lane, 2528 Brodie Lane, 4814 White Drive, 4813 White Drive, 4825 White Drive Richland, 0.15-0.18 acre home sites. Price: $788,000. Buyer: New Tradition Homes. Seller: South Richland Communities LLC.
2831 Karlee Drive, 2,300-square-foot residential home on 0.6 acre. Price: $555,000. Buyer: Jon Byers & Lisa Muir. Seller: Marvin & Nedra Hopkins.
1433 Chardonnay Drive, Richland, 2,900-square-foot residential home on 0.43 acre. Price: $510,000. Buyer: John & Kay Chambers. Seller: Keith Best.
90501 W. Old Inland Empire Highway, Prosser, 3,000-square-foot residential home on 35 acres. Price: $625,000. Buyer: Guillermo & Katherine Rodriguez. Seller: Tracy & Kim Minter.
2272 S. Belfair St., Kennewick, Single-family residential home on 0.48 acre. Price: $629,000. Buyer: Jonathan & Christal Dickman. Seller: P & R Construction LLC.
110301 E. 297 PR SE, Kennewick, Homesite on 2.15 acres. Price: $650,000. Buyer: Dennis & Almarinda Poland. Seller: Landmark Homes of Washington.
2231 Morency Drive, Richland, 2,600-square-foot residential home on 0.26 acre. Price: $540,000. Buyer: Michael & Amber Adling. Seller: Kevin & Robin Walthers.
11609 N. Missimer Road, Prosser, 2,500-square-foot residential home on 4.91 acres. Price: $528,000. Buyer: Justin Bachmeier. Seller: Fred & Janae Lamb.
2748 Grayhawk Loop, Richland, 2,500-square-foot residential home on 0.2 acre. Price: $508,000. Buyer: Dennis & Rebecca Williamson. Seller: Dale & Mary Jansen.
Undetermined location, 30 acres of land. Price: $2,000,000. Buyer: Richland School District. Seller: Washington State University.
1226 Brentwood Ave., Richland, 3,400-square-foot residential home on 0.23 acre. Price: $527,000. Buyer: John & Joanna Nelson. Seller: James & Annabelle Rodriguez.
601 Riverside Drive, West Richland, 2,800-square-foot residential home on 3 acres. Price: $600,000. Buyer: Darrell Russell. Seller: John & Joanna Nelson.
2363 Harris Ave., Richland, 3,200-square-foot residential home on 0.37 acre. Price: $550,000. Buyer: Zdenek Dohnalek & Alice Dohnalkova. Seller: Allan & Connie Heep.
728 S. Pittsburgh St., Kennewick, Residential home on 0.40 acre. Price: $590,000. Buyer: Jacob & Marissa Parsons. Seller: Don Pratt Construction Inc.
1500 W. Court St., Pasco, 2,900-square-foot medical office building and surrounding property, including parking lot. Price: $714,000. Buyer: Anides Guerena (Etux). Seller: Cook Ave Realty Investments LLC.
Undisclosed location, 38 acres of farm land for cherries with manufactured home. Price: $911,000. Buyer: HC Farm LLC. Seller: Pomona Properties & Investments LLC.
6724 Eagle Crest Drive, Pasco, 3,000-square-foot residential home on 0.7 acre. Price: $799,000. Buyer: Clark & Tracy Blankenship. Seller: Eagle Crest Development LLC.
6524 Gallatin Road, Pasco, 2,600-square-foot residential home on 0.6 acre. Price: $558,000. Buyer: Ross & Sandra Truitt. Seller: Hammerstrom Construction.
10006 W. Court St., Pasco, 2,650-square-foot residential home on 0.7 acre. Price: $975,000. Buyer: Lowell (Brad) & Debra Peck. Seller: Jeffrey & Sheila Schroeder (TR).
12413 Blackfoot Drive, Pasco, 3,300-square-foot residential home on 0.55 acre. Price: $733,000. Buyer: Newton Brown. Seller: Hammerstrom Construction.
Undisclosed location, 215 acres of farm land in two parcels. Price: $984,000. Buyer: SBK Properties LLC. Seller: BK Properties LLC.
7201 W. Richardson Road, Pasco, 2,225-square-foot residential home on 0.56 acre. Price: $502,000. Buyer: Hason & Melinda Holloway. Seller: Sandhollow Homes LLC.
1919 N. 20th Ave, Pasco, 7,000-square-foot office building. Price: $865,000. Buyer: Robinson Enterprises Inc. Seller: Paulmor Investments LLC