Welcome to one of our favorite issues of the year – the one where we honor and celebrate our community’s up and coming leaders.
This year marks our 15th annual Young Professionals contest and we’re pleased to introduce you to the 10 winners who are excelling in their careers and efforts to better our hometowns.
Since 2008, we’ve been reviewing applications from the Tri-Cities’ brightest young leaders. To date, we’ve honored 132, including this year’s group.
They are all 40 or under and their resumes are impressive. Each clearly loves our community, as they have rolled up their sleeves in a variety of ways to make it a better place.
One holds a patent. One is an artist. One was inspired to study accounting (and discover she excelled in it) after accompanying her parents on a “Take your Kids to Work Day.”
Applicants for our contest were nominated or were able to self-nominate. Some included letters of recommendation, though they weren’t required.
Those who wrote in gave high praise:
“This young professional has truly limitless potential and is dedicated to service.”
“In short, the work that she leads significantly impacts the quality of life enjoyed by all Tri-Citians.”
“(He) has a heart to serve and help others whenever the need arises.”
“Her energy level is contagious, and she makes everyone around her successful...”
“(She) is a big picture thinker who is always working hard to implement new projects, build relationships and expand her knowledge.”
“In everything she does, she strives to uplift others, build love and community, and shed light on social and racial injustice, mental health and a range of other social issues.”
Our panel of judges scored all the applications in several categories and then the points were tallied.
It’s always a joy to read these applications as they show the diversity of our community and how hard these young leaders work, especially outside their jobs.
Contest judges looked for leaders who went the extra mile outside their workplace in community service, charity work, leadership and community involvement.
Please meet this year’s winners:
It’s never easy to choose which young leaders to celebrate each year because we always have many outstanding candidates. This year saw a record number of applications.
To those we singled out in this issue, to those who tossed their hat in the ring to be considered and to those chosen in years past, we applaud you.
We look forward to watching you continue to grow professionally and personally.
We hope our readers enjoy reading about this year’s winners. We believe you’ll be as impressed with them as we are.