When we take the time to listen to one another, we often learn a lot.
We’re hoping to discover more about you, dear reader.
That’s why we’re asking you to fill out a short online survey – it shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes – so we can better understand you and your interests.
We’ll use what you tell us to improve our newspaper and digital products to better serve you.
The effectiveness of our publications depends on how they reflect the interests and diversity of our readers and business community.
We love bringing you a variety of business news, from newsy exclusives to business profiles, to the latest real estate and construction trends, to columns from industry experts.
We plan to continue to put your needs at the center of everything we do, so please click through our survey to provide us with information about yourself and your interests.
The information you provide will be kept anonymous and used only in aggregate to help us gain a better understanding of our readers.
To encourage participation, survey takers may enter a drawing for a $50 gift card and four Dust Devils baseball tickets. The deadline is May 8.
Find the survey at tcjournal.biz/survey.
With your participation we will continue to bring you the high-quality business news and information that you expect – and want.
Please let your voice be heard. We’re standing by to listen.