Electricians, radiological technicians and project control analysts are projected to be among the most in-demand professions across the U.S. Office of Environmental Management (EM) complex in coming years, according to a recently completed analysis.
EM recently completed a set of projections looking at workforce needs at cleanup sites, which include the Hanford site, over the next five years.
With EM’s cleanup mission set to last for decades, one of its pressing challenges is ensuring the next generation of workers is ready, officials said.
“Developing, recruiting and retaining the next-generation workforce EM will need across the country will be critical to ensuring our continued progress,” EM Senior Advisor William “Ike” White said in a news release.
Over the next five years, according to the analysis, EM sites will need approximately:
Going forward, EM said it will use the analysis to help shape potential new workforce development efforts and refine existing programs.
Contractors have programs to help recruit and train workers in a variety of necessary fields.
“With greater knowledge of the jobs and skills EM will need over the next five years, we can ensure that workforce development programs across the DOE complex are having the most impact and generating the best returns,” said Kristen Ellis, acting EM associate principal deputy assistant secretary for regulatory and policy affairs, in a news release.
The analysis can also assist EM in working with local communities near cleanup sites to meet workforce needs, ranging from development programs at local educational institutions to ensuring communities have the necessary infrastructure to support increased employment.
Columbia Basin College in Pasco offers a Pathways to Hanford program designed to help put students into the Hanford job pipeline. The program offers everything from a list of in-demand careers with promising futures at Hanford, to resume guides, Microsoft Suite trainings and certifications, in-person/virtual events with contractors, workshops and internship opportunities.
Washington State University Tri-Cities in Richland offers degrees helpful for landing jobs at the Hanford site, including engineering, computer science, and environmental and ecosystem sciences.