Age: 30
Current city of residence: Kennewick
How long have you lived in the Tri-Cities?
All my life, minus junior and senior year of high school.
Briefly describe your company:
We promote equitable employment for people with disabilities through innovation, training and technical assistance. We serve as consultants for program and project development and implementation across the state of Washington and beyond, serving national and international partners.
How long have you worked at your company?
4 months
Education: Please list any degrees and professional certifications.
Associate of Arts from Southern New Hampshire University.
Briefly describe your job and how you got into it:
I provide training and technical assistance to employment specialists, agencies and government partners to implement supported employment programs and best practices. I have been a job developer helping people with disabilities get and keep jobs over the last 10 years. I got into the field as a temporary job after leaving Columbia Basin College and fell in love with the work.
How did you earn your first dollar?
I worked at my uncle's stereo shop installing stereos and sound systems during the summer.
What advice would you give to your younger self about achieving success?
I would say, embrace the unknown and the mystery. See it as a challenge and take the risk.
What was your dream job as a child?
My dream job as a child was a surgeon. I have an essential tremor, so that (luckily) didn't work out.
What would make our community a better place to live?
I think our community would be best suited with more green spaces incorporated into neighborhoods. We would benefit from communal gathering spaces for community organizing.
Tell us about your community involvement/community service:
I serve on the board for Communities in Schools of Benton-Franklin. We create communities of support that empower students for lasting success. I also was part of the planning committee for our local developmental disabilities legislative forum.
If you had unlimited time, what volunteer work would you be interested in doing?
I would travel to other communities to promote employment for people with disabilities. I would love to go on a cross-country tour promoting employment.
How do you achieve work-life balance?
My husband and I love to travel to Cancun, as well as across the Pacific Northwest. We make sure to get out and enjoy our time together a few times a year.
Do you have family? Pets?
I have numerous family members in the Tri-Cities. I grew up here and love the Tri-Cities. We don't have any pets, but the desire is there for sure!
What brought you to the Tri-Cities? Did you grow up here?
I grew up here. My family migrated to the Tri-Cities to work the fields and laid down roots here.
What are you currently binging on TV?
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
I am a former makeup artist.
Favorite snack?
Hot Cheetos
What do you wish people knew about the Millennial generation?
We're actually a hardworking and dedicated group.