SAAP Lao-Thai Kitchen has opened at 4525 Road 68, Suite B in Pasco. Go to: Facebook (@SAAP Kitchen: Lao-Thai)
Healthy Vibes has opened at Summer’s HUB of Kennewick, 6481 W. Skagit Ave., Kennewick. Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.
Cafe con Arte, a gallery and a sit-in coffee shop, has opened at 430 W. Columbia St., Suite A in Pasco. Open 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. Contact: cafeconarte.org, [email protected], 509-494-4065.
AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC is opening a new office at 501 N. Quay St., Suite C-102, Kennewick. The office will be led by Anthony Cockbain. Contact: aks-eng.com/contact/, 509-905-0219.
Tumbleweeds’ West Richland location has opened at 4390 W. Van Giesen St. Hours are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Go to: tumbleweedsmexicanflair.com, Facebook.
The Office Depot at 1717 George Washington Way, Richland, is expected to close by month's end.
CAN Do Kids has closed its physical location at 343 Wellsian Way, Suite 103, in Richland. Consultations and parent/caregiver education and training will be available via Telehealth in late February. Go to: candokidspediatrictherapy.com.
Bougie Brunch, 3320 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, has closed.