Benton County was among the top 10 counties in the state for highest taxable retail sales in the second quarter, according to figures released by the state Department of Revenue.
Benton County’s sales grew to $979 million, or 3.7 percent, and Franklin County’s to $374 million, or 7.8 percent over the same quarter last year.
Richland’s taxable retail sales for the second quarter of the year increased 3.5 percent, or $311 million. Kennewick’s increased 6.8 percent, or $514 million, Pasco’s 10.7 percent, or $327 million and West Richland’s 45 percent, or $31 million.
The state’s taxable retail sales increased 8.6 percent, to $36.8 billion. Statewide, retail trade, a subset of all taxable retail sales, rose 5.2 percent to $15.8 billion.
Here’s a statewide snapshot of taxable retail sales activity:
The state Department of Revenue’s quarterly business review compares the same quarter year-over-year to equalize any seasonal effects that would influence consumer and business spending decisions, according to the state.
The state uses business tax return data to create this quarterly report. Businesses are categorized under the U.S. Census Bureau’s classification system based on their primary taxable activity. The North American Industry Classification System, or NAICS, is the same method federal statistical agencies use for the purpose of analyzing economic data.