Heartlinks’ Hospice Benefit Shop facade improvements aim to make the shop more welcoming to shoppers and donors of the boutique thrift shop on at 612 Fifth St. in downtown Prosser.
Courtesy HeartlinksHeartlinks’ Hospice Benefit Shop in Prosser received a new coat of paint and sign, thanks to the generosity of several community groups and volunteers.
With a $5,000 grant from Historic Prosser Washington and a $3,000 grant from Prosser United Good Neighbors, Heartlinks bought paint, supplies and a new sign to improve the exterior of the historic building that houses its boutique thrift shop at 612 Fifth St. The total cost of the project was about $8,200.
Volunteers from Grandview’s Walmart Supply Chain Distribution Center 7021 taped and painted the south and west exterior walls an approved Historic Downtown Prosser color. A few days later, Larelle Michener added the ribbon mural. The new sign was installed on June 9.
All proceeds from the nonprofit’s thrift shops support Heartlinks’ Compassion Care Fund for patients without insurance or Medicare.
HOBS was founded in 1998 by Jan Nilsson in memory of her mother-in-law, Anne O. Witcraft. A second Heartlinks thrift shop opened in 2021 at 907 Vintage Valley Parkway in Zillah.
The income from both shops ensures that compassionate hospice, palliative and grief care are available to children and adults in Benton and Yakima counties, regardless of the individual’s ability to pay.
HOBS in Prosser is open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturdays. Donations are accepted at both shops during open hours.
To learn more about shopping, donating or volunteering at HOBS, go to: HeartlinksHospice.org/HOBS.