’Tis the season for new year’s resolutions and the city of Kennewick would like its residents to weigh in on the city’s blueprint for the future.
Kennewick’s community open house for its 20-year Comprehensive Plan has been rescheduled to Jan. 23 due to inclement weather. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. with a short program beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Tri-Cities Business & Visitor Center, Bechtel Board Room, 7130 W. Grandridge Blvd. in Kennewick. It had been scheduled for Jan. 9.
Kennewick’s population is expected to grow by 33,754 new residents by 2037, an increase of about 43 percent over 2015. Planning for this growth will allow the community to meet future challenges, help ensure preservation of community values and allow the community to influence issues they care about, according to a release from the city.
The city’s Comprehensive Plan is the basis for all land use planning and growth management actions and helps guide decisions on land use, transportation, housing, economic development, sustainability and the environment.
The plan ensures Kennewick’s highly anticipated growth meets requirements of the state Growth Management Act and updates to zoning and development regulations are made to support healthy growth.
This workshop will gather feedback on the proposed changes to the plan based on feedback collected from the public during an online survey and public meeting last spring.
Examples of public feedback include: a desire for more housing choices near services and jobs; the need to maintain quality infrastructure; and improved access to parks. The consulting team of BERK and MacKay Sposito will help facilitate dialogue between the public and the city’s Planning Commission.
For more information or if you are unable to attend the meeting, submit feedback via online survey at www.go2kennewick.com/onekennewick.