Description: 1,428-square-foot, single-family residence on 84.3 acres of agricultural land, 1171 Merion Road, Mesa. Price: $760,000. Buyer: Ryan and Krystal Theroff. Seller: Growther Family Trust.
Description: 102.6 acres of agricultural land and various farm buildings, 181 Settler Road, Connell. Price: $1,380,000. Buyer: Herrman Land & Holdings. Seller: 4440 Farms LLC.
Description: 1,506-square-foot, single-family home and various farm buildings on 277 acres, undisclosed location. Price: $1,400,000. Buyer: Predator Ridge Orchards. Seller: Donald and Mildred Heinen.
Description: 11,640-square-foot of commercial property, 6215 Burden Blvd., Pasco. Price: $600,000. Buyer: Tri-City Investors. Seller: Scott and Claudia Thomason.
Description: 4,652-square-foot, single-family home on 0.63 acres, 9804 Schuman Lane, Pasco. Price: $722,000. Buyer: Gloria Scott. Seller: Richland and Heather Davies.
Description: 91-unit mobile home park on 17.56 acres, 700 Road 32, Pasco. Price: $3,900,000. Buyer: Golden Bell LLC. Seller: Russell and Janet Dean (et al).
Description: 3,554-square-foot, single-family home on 1.13 acres, 12231 Scenic View Drive, Pasco. Price: $479,000. Buyer: Luis and Lonnie Montes. Seller: Thomas and Michele Lenberg.
Description: 1,444-square-foot, single-family home, 1304 N. Beech Ave., Pasco. Price: $1,219,000. Buyer: US Bank. Seller: David Silva.
Description: 7,650-square-foot church on 4.36 acres, 791 Country Haven Loop, Pasco. Price: $450,000. Buyer: Old Apostolic Lutheran Church of Tri-Cities. Seller: Cypress Country Estates.
Description: 133.9 acres of agricultural land, 4041 Rangeview Road, Othello. Price: $2,625,000. Buyer: Othello Blueberry. Seller: Kyle Haugen.
Description: 233.4 acres of agricultural land, undisclosed location. Price: $4,112,500. Buyer: FLF Columbia. Seller: Cody and Debby Easterday.
Description: 1,060-square-foot, single-family residence on 207.6 acres of agricultural land, 401 & 413 Smith Lane, Mesa. Price: $3,700,000. Buyer: WI-Franklin County WA #2. Seller: Adam and Nancy Machugh.
Description: 119.7 acres of agricultural land, 745 Mail Road, Connell. Price: $450,000. Buyer: Michael and Ryan Bernsen (et al). Seller: Joseph Brescia.