Learn how to develop a powerful partnership with your manager or administrative assistant during a Feb. 8 training event in Richland.
The “Partnering for Success” workshop, offered by the Administrative Professionals of the Tri-Cities, is from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Mission Support Alliance auditorium, 2490 Garlick Boulevard.
Participants will learn how to implement strategies that work best for their work environment during a question-and-answer session.
Panelists include Brian Abrahamson and Mary-Lynne Peters of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Bill Johnson and Korina Clements of MSA; Kim Shugart and Gretchen Guerrero of Visit TRI-CITIES; and Corey Pearson and Liz Lutz of the Three Rivers Convention Center.
Cost is $15 for members and $20 for others.
Register at [email protected] or adminprofessionalstc.org/events.