Learn more about the city of Pasco’s plans to develop the northwest area of the city west of Broadmoor Boulevard.
The city will hold an open house meeting about the so-called Broadmoor master plan and Environmental Impact Statement from 4 to 8 p.m. May 9 in city council chambers at Pasco City Hall, 525 N. Third Ave.
The planning process will involve analysis of a variety of land use designations, roadway alignments and other issues involved with master planning the area bordered by Interstate 182 to the south, Broadmoor Boulevard to the east, Burns Road to the north and Shoreline Road and to the west.
The basis for the master planning began with the city’s planning efforts in 2011, and the current planning effort will be flexible as it is both a short- and long-term plan, the city said in a release.
A more detailed planning effort with additional flexibility likely will occur with the properties near Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard and the area further west, as the planning and analysis of that sub-area moves forward.
“We hope interested community members attend the informational meeting, as it will provide a great opportunity to learn more about the planning effort for this centrally located area for the entire Tri-Cities,” said Rick White, community and economic development director, in a release.