Several Tri-Citians were among those honored during a Worker Memorial Day ceremony organized by the state Department of Labor & Industries, or L&I.
They include an agronomist who died in a car wreck and several people who died of cancer related to on-the-job exposures. A total of 93 workers from around the state were honored during the April 25 ceremony at L&I’s headquarters in Tumwater.
Most died in the last year, although some died earlier but were not previously recognized.
“The names of the 93 workers remembered this year are a grief-filled reminder of why we stress workplace safety,” said L&I Director Joel Sacks in a statement.
“Government, business and labor must do all we can to increase safety in every business and on every job site. No family member, friend or coworker should have to endure such loss when we know these deaths are preventable,” he said.
Toxic chemical and radiation exposure, falls and car wrecks were among the leading causes of the work-related deaths, the L&I statement said.
As for industries, construction saw 13 deaths.
The agricultural industry accounted for 11 deaths, nine of the deaths were transportation-related, and firefighting accounted for five deaths, the L&I statement said.
The Tri-Cities workers honored during the ceremony included: