Number of employees: 10
From left: Allison King, Patricia Chvatal, Elisa Cantu of Chvatal King Law
| Courtesy Chvatal King LawBrief background of your business:
Our firm is a woman-owned law practice which began in the 1970s. We exclusively practice family law.
How did you land your current role? How long have you been in it?
Patricia Chvatal: I wanted to be close to family in Walla Walla after my father’s death. I applied to law firms in Tri-Cities and was hired by Dick Bennett and John Carroll. I have resided in Richland ever since. I now own my own law firm with Ms. King and Ms. Cantu.
Allison King: My mother worked in the firm for many years. I began working at the firm in high school as a receptionist. I returned as an attorney in 2004 after I graduated from Gonzaga University and passed the state bar exam.
Elisa Cantu: I was also a secretary, since 2015, who began involvement at our firm after I passed the Washington State Bar.
Your firm has been recognized for your pro bono work through the Benton Franklin Legal Aid over the years. Why is this work important to your firm?
Access to justice is crucial in our society. Often people cannot afford attorneys because of financial stress. Volunteering our services to those in need through appointments with Benton Franklin Legal Aid allows our firm to be actively involved in allowing access for justice.
What are your firm’s top priorities for the coming years?
Our priority remains the same year after year. We treat our clients with dignity as we help them understand the law and we advocate for their issues.
What is your proudest career moment?
Chvatal: In 2020, the Washington State Bar Association awarded me the designee of the outstanding lifetime achievement award, which is granted to an individual member each year who has amplified their participation in the law as well as their commitment to volunteer in the community.
King: There were a few memorable trials that I tried early in my career that resulted in successful results for those clients. The positive outcomes for those clients made an impact on my belief in the legal system.
Cantu: I am proud to have been sworn into practice by a female Hispanic judge, and a female Hispanic lawyer. I am also proud of having a successful trial in the first year of being a lawyer.
Can you tell us about any unique aspects of your practice that sets it apart from others?
All we do is family law.
We are all female law firm specializing solely in family law.
What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?
We believe that every law firm should have integrity, empathy and confidence.
What is the biggest challenge facing business managers and owners today?
People being able to afford legal services. Rising costs on the attorneys have caused fees to increase. It is a challenge with many clients as to what they can pay. It is a challenge for attorneys to be able to pay their bills.
If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your industry/field?
We would like to have justice for everyone no matter what the cost.
What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?
Understanding that being a lawyer is a lifetime commitment and impacts you not only in your business world, but in your personal world and your world of friendships.
Who are your role models or mentors and why?
Chvatal: My first partner was John Carroll. He was a person who loved all that he did through clients and through community involvement. He always had time to discuss my cases with me and to just talk about life. He was a wonderful example of a true renaissance attorney.
King: All the female attorneys in the region that were practicing before me.
Cantu: My mentors have been Patricia Chvatal, Mason J. Pickett, Steve Defoe and Jessica Rodriguez. They have all played a significant role in my success. I worked closely with each named attorney. They all have different styles of practicing, and I have learned a lot from each one of them.
How do you keep your employees (or team members) motivated?
Our employees operate our office. We are generous with the time off to allow them to have “refreshing time.”
How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today?
Chvatal: After four years of college, I had a teaching degree, but did not like to teach. All my friends were going to medical school, so I decided to take the LSAT. I did well on that and decided to try law school and now I have been here for many years.
King: I worked at Pat Chvatal’s law office when I was in high school. I explored a few other career options during college and eventually decided to attend law school. I’ve now been practicing 20 years.
Cantu: I worked as a legal assistant and grew to love the law and helping clients. I decided I wanted to take my experience/work to the next level and become an attorney.
How do you measure success in your workplace?
We all believe that success is everyone being happy doing their role in the workplace.
What do you consider your leadership style to be?
Chvatal: Treat others as I want to be treated, whether it is staff, clients, friends or family.
King: My staff is my team. They are just as important as I am in my clients’ matters.
Cantu: I strongly believe that my staff is my backbone. Having been a legal assistant and working under various attorneys, I knew what I did and did not want to be like with my staff. We work closely together as a team.
How do you balance work and family life?
Chvatal: I work when I am at work. And when I am not at work, I leave it at the office. I don’t bring any work home.
King: I leave work at the office and dedicate 100% of my free time to my family.
Cantu: This has been one of the biggest challenges for me. I am still working on leaving work at work, but I have been committed to only addressing work-related matters during business hours and making the most of time off.
What do you like to do when you are not at work?
Chvatal: I enjoy traveling when I am not at work.
King: Spending time with my family.
Cantu: I enjoy working out and spending time with family and friends.
What’s your best time management strategy?
Chvatal: I have designated hours I work, including the weekend. I don’t work other than these hours.
King: Setting goals for myself and prioritizing tasks.
Cantu: Prioritizing tasks and limiting distractions.
Best tip to relieve stress?
Chvatal: I take a trip somewhere every three months.
King: Do what you love to do and be with people you want to be with.
Cantu: Do things for YOU.
What’s your favorite podcast? Most-used app? Or favorite website? Favorite book? (Feel free to choose one or all).
Chvatal: I love to read anything that involves mysteries, which is very different from family law.
King: My guilty pleasures are Facebook and TikTok or any apps or podcasts that I can share with my teenagers.
Cantu: I am not very involved with apps and social media. I enjoy listening to “Crime Junkie” podcasts.
Do you have a personal mantra, phrase or quote you like to use?
Chvatal: I treat others as I would want to be treated. That includes staff as well as clients, and anyone else in my life.
King: Work to live, don’t live to work.
Cantu: Be kind.