Documents filed under Washington’s environmental review process reveal a list of projects in the works for the Mid-Columbia.
The State Environmental Policy Act, or SEPA, often provides the first look at the mixed-use projects, mini-storage facilities, apartments, industrial expansions, subdivisions and more that are working their way through the various planning departments of Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla counties.
Here’s a look at projects that appeared in the SEPA register in the past month.
WA Department of Ecology
SkyNRG Americas Inc. is proposing to build on property northeast of Highway 12 and east of Sundance Road, purchased from the Port of Walla Walla near the Columbia River. The project will convert gaseous feedstocks into sustainable aviation fuel and renewable diesel using chemical processes.
The use of sustainable aviation fuel in aircraft results in air quality benefits and a material reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable aviation fuel can be produced from a variety of renewable feedstocks, including forestry residues, agricultural crops or wastes, and renewable natural gas.
Ecology will be the lead agency due to the project’s onsite fuel storage capacity.
Benton City
Cameo Vista Corporation has submitted plans to divide three existing lots totaling 3.07 acres into 13 new lots for single-family residential development. The property, south of Desert Rose Terrace, north of Chris Avenue and east of 14th Street, is zoned medium density residential.
Knutzen Engineering has submitted plans to rezone 1826 and 1838 S. Washington St. from commercial, office, to commercial, general.
Knutzen Engineering has submitted plans to build a new 4,300-square-foot convenience store/gas station and a laundromat with associated site improvements, including 16 parking stalls. The 0.7-acre site at 1400 W. 10th Ave. is currently undeveloped.
Kennewick Irrigation District
Kennewick Irrigation District has submitted plans to reconstruct the canal prism of the district’s main canal, line the reshaped prism, and reclaim or regrade canal maintenance roads. The project will take place north of Interstate 82 and west of South Clodfelter Road.
A turnout upstream of the existing aqueduct will be decommissioned, and the existing pump station will be demolished. An upgraded pump station and future pump station building will be constructed to replace the demolished infrastructure, and the Clodfelter Road turnout supplying the pump station will be maintained.
Concrete structures will be built within the canal prism as needed for crossings or canal prism geometry transitions.
Robert Uhrich from RGU Architecture and Planning has submitted plans and a special permit application for a 54,000-square-foot student housing facility for Columbia Basin College at 2600 N. 20th Ave. in Pasco. The building will provide around 162 rental beds within 42 units, mainly made up of quad dormitory units with four bedrooms, a shared kitchen and shared bathroom. The building, which will be about 52 feet tall, also will house a community laundry, a fitness/game room and gathering lounges.
Paul Knutzen with Knutzen Engineering has submitted plans to build a 14,400-square-foot gymnastics academy on the west side of Convention Drive, north of the intersection with Burden Boulevard. The project will include a parking lot, sidewalks on site and off-site frontage improvements such as sidewalks and road construction. About 5,000 cubic yards of dirt will be moved during the grading process.
Matt Watkins, representing the Pasco Public Facilities District, has submitted plans for a proposed aquatic facility north of Harris Road. The 33,000-square-foot facility will include a 12,000-square-foot indoor pool. The remaining area will be used for support spaces such as a lobby, concessions, offices, changing rooms, storage, mechanical rooms and custodial areas. An outdoor pool and fenced deck will be located on the west side of the building.
Pasco Public Facilities District has submitted plans to rezone 13 acres of land north of Harris Road from residential transition to mixed-use.
Walsh Group has submitted plans to rezone about 11.96 acres of land south of Burns Road and east of future Road 108 from residential transition to high density residential. A preliminary subdivision application has also been submitted to create 94 single-family residential building lots and related infrastructure.
Albert Marroquin, on behalf of himself, Elizabeth Duarte and William Heaton, has submitted plans to rezone 2.18 acres of land on the west side of Road 64 south of West Court Street from suburban to low-density residential.
Edgar Rendon has submitted plans for site improvements, including frontage upgrades, grading, gravel placement and fencing installation at 911 S. Myrtle Ave. The current proposed use is a storage yard.
Franklin County
Dave Ranger has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of an 85,000-square-foot controlled atmosphere apple storage warehouse. The property at 110 Taylor Flats Road is zoned agricultural production, and the proposed building is directly adjacent to the owner’s current apple processing facility, zoned general industrial.
Jesus Zepeda has submitted plans to rezone approximately 1.38 acres of land from light industrial to high-density residential. The property at 2326 W. A St. is currently used for industrial storage and as a lay-down yard. More than 200 apartment buildings to the east have been completed, and a rezone would allow Columbia River Walk LLC Partnership to build a similar apartment building to match the existing apartments.
Infinity Homes of Washington LLC has submitted plans for a preliminary plat of 8.47 acres for a 73-lot residential subdivision. The property at the northwest corner of West Court Street and Road 68 is zoned medium density residential.