Bob and Tammy Benson opened D-Bat Columbia Basin in March 2019, offering a temperature-controlled training facility that provides another incentive for baseball tournaments to choose the Tri-Cities for their games.
Photo by Jamie CouncilD-Bat Columbia Basin observes its three-year anniversary this month. Its celebration is also a win for the sports tourism industry in the Tri-Cities. It is estimated by Visit Tri-Cities that baseball and softball tournaments will bring in more than $7.2 million in economic impact and it’s taken a team effort to bring and keep events in the area.
“The weather plays a big role,” said Hector Cruz, vice president of Visit Tri-Cities. “It allows for an earlier and longer season February to October.”
D-Bat is a national franchise founded in 2008 that caters to baseball and softball.
Tammy and Bob Benson opened the 20,000-square-foot D-Bat Columbia Basin in March 2019, offering seven hitting lanes, three baseball pitching tunnels, two softball pitching lanes, four pitching machines for baseball or softball, more than 20 instructors, a gym area and a golf simulator.
The Bensons moved to the Tri-Cities in 2003 from North Dakota and raised their three daughters on the diamond.
“We know the consumer because we are the consumer when we travel for softball,” Bob said. “We just really appreciate the support the Tri-Cities have given us. It’s a big lift to get it going and keep it going.” D-Bat Columbia Basin has played a role in bringing tournaments into the Tri-Cities.
In addition to sunny skies and a quality field, a community that has facilities allowing players to properly warm up after traveling is important.
D-Bat will book some teams up to six months in advance of traveling to the Tri-Cities for yearly tournaments.
“We have all the equipment, so it makes it easy for those that are traveling,” Tammy said. “I think it’s important because some fields don’t have enough room to properly warm up, so teams will schedule their cage rental right before heading to the field. It’s temperature-controlled, so it’s just a good space for that.”
Working in conjunction with Visit Tri-Cities, the owner-and-operator pair have provided a service to complement the efforts of others facilitating tournaments and boosting the economic effect of sports tourism.
“The fields here are fantastic,” Bob said. “We travel all around, and we have some of the best not just in the state but the country. It definitely benefits us having all those tournaments here.”
The Latino World Championship softball tournament is back later this year, and in May, high school state baseball will return to Pasco.
“It’s a very prestigious event with a big impact and lots of collaboration. It was disappointing not to have it here. It was one that could have easily gone away. It was amazing to see how everyone was so eager to get it back,” Cruz said.
The event has frequented Gesa Stadium over the years.
“We are excited to have the 3A and 4A state championships back at Gesa Stadium this year. Visit Tri-Cities and the Dust Devils have been great partners for several years in bringing this elite high school baseball event to the Tri-Cities," said Derrel Ebert, executive vice president/general manager for the Tri-City Dust Devils, the High-A affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels.
The WIAA uses a bid process to choose the facility. Gesa hosted the games in 2018 and in 2019-22 as part of a deal with then-Safeco Field.
However, the venue is now determined on a yearly basis.
In 2023, it moved to the west side, but Visit Tri-Cities, D-Bat, and other groups pulled together to get it back to Pasco.
The 3A and 4A classifications will play at Gesa Stadium from May 24-25.
“The Tri-Cities is a great baseball and fastpitch city,” said Mick Hoffman, executive director of the WIAA. “Gesa is beautiful.”
“State baseball is one we are really excited to have back to our community,” Cruz said. “We want to support our local schools and it brings an economic impact to the community. It takes a strong collaboration with organizations across Tri-Cities.”
Cruz said that it’s this collaboration between local schools and the Mid-Columbia Conference, the Tri-City Dust Devils, and other volunteer efforts make it financially feasible for the WIAA.
In addition to state baseball, the 1A and 4A WIAA state softball tournaments return to the Columbia Playfields in Richland from May 23-25.
Between youth tournaments, adult league tournaments and state baseball, the community of Tri-Cities will see the economic impact, thanks to the efforts of those who champion sports tourism. When teams come to town, D-Bat Columbia Basin stands ready to be a part of the picture.
“It’s humbling to see the people that have been here since day one,” Tammy said. “We’ve been able to see their kids grow. It’s cool to be a part of.”
To celebrate its third anniversary, D-Bat is offering a free camp to members ($20 for non-members) on from 9 a.m. to noon March 16. From 1-4 p.m., there will be drawings, cookies, and tours.
D-Bat is at 6416 W. Hood Place, Suite A 150, in Kennewick.