Over the course of the pandemic, using technology to connect with family and friends was a lifeline for so many, but a switch away from 3G – third-generation wireless – could leave loved ones in a lurch.This year, wireless carriers are shutting off 3G coverage, forcing consumers to replace older...
Completion of the $7.7 million LIGO Exploration Center, called LExC, is on track to be completed by the end of September, with a spring 2022 grand opening planned.LIGO Hanford, one of two detectors making up the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, broke ground in fall 2020 on the science center.Expected to...
Director, Environmental Molecular Sciences Division and EMSLPacific Northwest National LaboratoryDouglas MansEmployees you oversee: 168What is the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory? The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory or EMSL, is a Department of Energy Office of Science National User Facility funded and managed within the Biological and Environmental Research Program. As a User Facility,...
Growth has been a common refrain in the Tri-Cities over the past decade.Population has climbed, as Benton-Franklin Trends laid out, from 262,500 in 2012, to the estimated of 308,800 today. Similarly, the average number employed, has risen from 120,474 in 2011, to 130,516 in 2020. And median household income has...
Hanford talk focuses on salmon, sturgeonSalmon, sturgeon and more are the topic of the Aug. 25 edition of the Let’s Talk About Hanford series of virtual science talks.The program is a collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and will explore the fish found in the Columbia River...
You cannot read the news today without finding another story of a company besieged by a malware infection: their files encrypted, and the company brought to its knees by cybercriminals.We’ve recently seen a large pipeline company forced to shut down all operations and a U.S. government agency suspending operations for...
I imagine historians looking back at the decades spanning 1990-2020 will describe those years as the most unimpressive of the past two centuries in terms of technological progress.In medicine, we witnessed life expectancy plateau and even decline for a period of years. Energy production via fracking became more efficient but...
Inline Computer & Communications in Richland recently donated five laptops to Light of the Valley Baptist School in Belize. The laptops allow the teachers and children to be able to connect to the outside world and increase their educational opportunities, said Greg Hammer, president of the Inline. He said his...
Robert “Bob” SchuetzEnergy Northwest executive Robert “Bob” Schuetz is the new chief executive officer for the Richland-based power cooperative that operates the Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant.Schuetz is a 28-year Navy veteran who joined Energy Northwest in 2013 and most recently served as site vice president. He succeeds Brad...
A Kennewick tech startup is transforming the way businesses process their payment transactions, even as coronavirus shutdowns and restrictions threatened its business model.“It’s interesting because we’re focused on brick-and-mortar transactions, so when Covid hit, we thought we were dead,” said Jeff Payne, BlockChyp’s chief technology officer. BlockChyp designs payment terminals...