The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes, resulting in a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton and Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.Edmundo Villanueva, unpaid Employment Security Department...
Marijuana licenses for Benton and Franklin counties are public record and are obtained from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEW APPLICATIONSGreen ResearchNetwork, 15505 N. Webber Canyon Road, Suite G, Benton City. License type:marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: change of location.APPROVEDLegacy Organics,237004 E. Legacy PRSE, Kennewick. License type:...
Columbia Basin College’s 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Spirit Award winnerCompany/business/agency: U.S.Department of Energy’s Office of Science – Pacific Northwest SiteOffice/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (DOE-SC/PNNL)Tell us about your team: PNSO is a small staff of 30-plus people. Iwork with a team of five scientists and engineers. Kimberly L. Harper, Physical...
Partnership to ensure continued nuclear explosion monitoringMedical isotopes are used daily around the world tovisualize and diagnose cancer, heart disease and other seriousailments. However, their production can emit gasses that, while posing nodanger to the public, have features that look similar to those produced by anuclear explosion.The Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest...
PROMOTIONSSergio A. Garcidueñas-Sease of Tamaki Law was named a new partner. Garcidueñas-Sease joined Tamaki Law in 2013 and is a fellow at the prestigious Washington Leadership Institute.Jaime Lee Carson was promoted to executive director of Somerset Counseling Center LLC in Richland. Somerset is an alcohol and drug treatment agency serving...
This Valentine’s Day and beyond, millions of Americans are meetingothers on matchmaking websites, dating apps and social media. But not all thosenew connections are meant to be, as 37 percent of Washington residents polledin a new AARP survey ( that they, a family member or a friend have encountered attemptedfinancial scams...
The Kennewick, Prosser and Walla Walla Shopko stores are scheduled toclose May 5.The department storeannounced plans to close 38 stores nationwide but the local stores weren’t onthe list when the news was announced three weeks ago. Shopko filed for Chapter11 bankruptcy Jan. 16.The new closure list now includes 11 Washington...
Hello? Have you landed?Coordinate your next airport pickup from the new cellphone lot at the Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco.Airport officials say the new lot will reduce traffic congestion along the curb and provide a safe place for those picking up passengers to wait for incoming flights.The lot allows people to...
The price to fill up a gas tank in the Tri-Cities is cheaper than it’s been in a long time -- and it's among the cheapest in the state.The average price per gallon for regular gas in theTri-Cities is $2.47, which is nearly 13 percent cheaper than it was a...