[blockquote quote="The AARP has a free Fraud Watch Network, aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork; or call toll free, 877-908-3360. You do not have to be a member of AARP to use it or to sign up for the Watchdog Alerts." align="right" max_width="300px"]Computers, smart phones, email, free Wi-Fi and social media sites make keeping in...
BENTON COUNTYStonecrest Builders, 1303 S. Coulee Vista Dr., $50,700 for construction of a shop.U.S. Department of Energy, Haul Road, Route 3, Hanford Reservation, $15,000 to modify a tower. Contractor: Glotel, Inc.US Cellular, 176194 W. 429 P.R. NW, $15,000 for a microwave dish. Contractor: Glotel, Inc.KENNEWICKKennewick Quinault, 8125 W. Quinault, $22,800...
The Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce distributed $30,000 in grants to local small businesses through its 2015 Small Business Incentive Program. The awards were announced at the Chamber’s BIZCON Network Tri-Cities Luncheon.More than 400 people attended the luncheon and the event, which was held at TRAC in Pasco on Oct....
BANKRUPTCIESBankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is charged.Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure.Chapter 13 — Plan is...
The new U-Pull-It Auto Parts will be complete in February at 802 S. Oregon Ave. in Pasco at the corner of Oregon Avenue and A Street.The automotive parts and accessories store consists of two Nucor pre-engineered steel buildings, which were supplied and erected by general contractor CRF Metal Works.Each building...
Fair gives to 2nd HarvestThe Benton Franklin Fair donated $2,484 to 2nd Harvest Tri-Cities to help fight hunger and feed hope in the community. The fair donated $2 for each adult admission ticket sold on opening day before 2 p.m. An additional $412 was raised during the People’s Choice vote...
[blockquote quote="We always have a wide variety of vendors that have something to offer to a broad spectrum of different commodities" source="Colin Hastings, the Pasco Chamber’s Executive Director" align="right" max_width="300px"]The Pasco Chamber of Commerce has changed the name of its popular January expo to the Eastern Washington Ag Expo.Colin Hastings, the...
Construction on the second building of Boulder Heights Plaza is nearly complete at 3801 S. Zintel Way in Kennewick.Conner Construction was the general contractor on the 4,500-sq.-ft., single story building that has two professional suites. Jason M. Archibald of ALD Architects in Richland designed the buildings. Doug and Carrie Lundgren...
The new Thrivent Financial building at 11257 W. Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick will be complete by the end of December.C2 Management Group LLC, a Thrivent Financial franchisee owned by Andy and Michelle Clary, CFP, CLU, ChFC, is building the new 5,800-sq.-ft. office.G2 Construction is the general contractor on the $1.5...