Everything about Hanford is huge.Its area: 580 square miles.Its waterfront: 40 miles of Columbia River.Its workforce: 10,000, including 300 federal employees.Its payroll: $500 million plus, or about a quarter of all local wages.Its budget: $2.6 billion, with $560 million awarded to subcontractors in 2021.Its history: Helping end World War II...
Over the past year, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and our contractor partners have made significant cleanup progress while establishing the safest possible environment for our workforce during the pandemic. Our One Hanford team has a lot to be proud of as we prepare to begin the next important...
President Joe Biden cut an estimated $172 million from the Hanford cleanup plan in his fiscal year 2023 budget request released just days after he signed a belated spending plan covering the remaining six months of the 2022 fiscal year.The president’s fiscal year 2023 budget request was released March 28,...
The Hanford Advisory Board, which provides a public voice to the Hanford cleanup mission, is seeking volunteers to increase representation.The HAB has issued more than 300 advisories and recommendations in its 27-plus years. Its members are volunteers who dedicate themselves to learning all they can about Hanford cleanup, engage in...
2021 was an eventful year for cleanup work at the Hanford site.That goes double for our Washington State Department of Ecology’s Nuclear Waste Program team, which is responsible for overseeing the U.S. Department of Energy’s cleanup of Hanford’s nuclear legacy.A lot of important work was accomplished, and we look forward...
The Hanford Area Economic Investment Fund was established by the Washington State Legislature in 1991 when local leaders, recognizing the mission of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was changing, worked with legislators to establish an economic investment fund.The primary goal of the Hanford Area Economic Investment Fund Advisory Committee (HAEIFAC) is...
Gary PetersenA coalition of high-profile Tri-City business and civic leaders is pushing Hanford managers and regulators to encapsulate low-level tank waste in grout rather than glass, calling grout a better, faster and cheaper approach to cleaning up the nuclear reservation.Northwest Energy Associates, a nonprofit formed in 2020, is led by...
In 2022, the Hanford Vit Plant team will tackle some of the most complex and challenging milestones on our journey to transform low-activity radiological and chemical tank waste into a glass form safe for long-term disposal. This process, called vitrification, will allow us to protect the Columbia River and its...
The Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business’ “Hanford edition” is a publication I look forward to every year. This is an opportunity to recognize our workforce and thank our community partners who enable our success as the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) tank operations contractor on the Hanford site.In 2021, our...
It’s hard to believe it has been more than a year since the Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) started work as the new prime contractor for nuclear waste cleanup on the Hanford site’s Central Plateau and along the Columbia River.CPCCo began work in January 2021 with a mission to build...