The Richland School District is completing construction of its new business office at 6970 Keene Road, West Richland, next to Leona Libby Middle School.
The $11.65 million project, called the Teaching, Learning & Administration Center, includes 41,000 square feet, offices for six district departments, three classrooms and board meeting space. The project is expected to wrap up in September.
Bouten Construction of Richland is the contractor. Design West Architects of Kennewick designed the new offices.
The project is supported by a $99 million bond approved by voters in February 2017.
The package, coupled with state funds, also funded the replacements of Badger Mountain and Tapteal elementary, the new West Richland elementary on Belmont Boulevard, a new south Richland elementary, renovations to Richland High school and field updates to Hanford High School.