Benton County istapping its $24 million capital projects fund to build sunlit offices for itsadministrators and free up space in its crowded Kennewick courthouse. The county planned tohold public ground-breaking ceremonies for the $13.6 million,40,000-square-foot office building on Feb. 17 at its Kennewick justice centercampus, 7122 W. Okanogan Place. The...
Tri-City buildingagencies issued a record 1,655 permits for single-family homes in 2019, an 18percent gain in just a year. Predictably, fast-growingPasco led the market with 585 permits, followed by Richland at 371, Kennewickat 342 and West Richland at 122, according to year-end figures compiled by theHome Builders Association of Tri-Cities.Between...
This inaugural Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business feature, Tri-City Connections, will be a series of occasional profiles of Tri-City natives and former Tri-Citians who have excelled in the world of business. If you have one in mind, let us know at If you goWhat: Carson College of Business Point...
Richland occupational therapy practice may need to relocate to bigger officeMelissa Porcaro is all too aware of the irony.Tri-City parents turn to the internet to find someone to help kids with behavior issues, academic challenges and other difficulties.Their searches lead to her business, CAN Do Kids, a pediatric therapy clinic...
By Patrick JonesFor several years, the greater Tri-City economy has been firing on most cylinders. Median household income has climbed 11 percent in the past five years. Local income is, and has been, higher than the U.S. median for several years, unique among Eastern Washington metros. Wages, as measuredby the...
Carlos OlivaresChief Executive OfficerYakima Valley Farm Workers ClinicNumber of employees youoversee: Last year we employed 2,015employees, and 623 volunteers and career placements. This includes 166 medicalproviders, 35 dentists and 18 pharmacists. What is Yakima ValleyFarm Workers Clinic? Yakima Valley Farm WorkersClinic is a Community Health Center and a system of...
Washington ispreparing to battle with coronavirus, the emerging health threat thatoriginated in China.The state HealthDepartment is the lead. It announced on Feb. 4 that it stands ready to isolateand quarantine travelers from China, working with partners to implement federalmeasures announced in January to control the spread.The World HealthOrganization declared a...
Burnout rates among health care professionals is a growingissue nationwide. About 44 percent of health care providers experience signs ofburnout, such as stress, anxiety and depression, according to Medscape, whichtracks the medical industry.Recognizing the need, Providence launched TelebehavioralHealth Concierge for caregivers and their dependents throughout the state,including at Richland’s Kadlec....
Age discriminationagainst people age 50 and older robbed the economy of $850 billion in 2018,according to a new AARP report.Research shows thatthe 50-plus population contributed 40 percent of the U.S. Gross DomesticProduct, or GDP, in 2018, creating 88.6 million jobs and generating $5.7trillion in wages and salaries through jobs held...
By Beau RuffSometimes theconcept of financial planning is considered distinct from the more laboriousand esoteric task of estate planning.The financial planis the “low hanging fruit” that is first to be addressed. However, in manyimportant respects, the two should be considered contemporaneously to establisha more robust, holistic plan.A brief review ofeach...