The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes, resulting in a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton and Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.Plaza Del Calzado LLC, unpaid Department...
Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEW APPLICATIONSLongship Cellars, 2412 Henderson Loop, Richland. Licensetype: Domestic winery < 250,000 liters. Application type: change of location.Excalibur Pizza, 420 S. Vancouver St., Kennewick. Licensetype: beer/wine restaurant; direct shipment receiver in Washington. Applicationtype: new.Hogue Cellars, 3090 W. Wittkopf Loop, Prosser....
Marijuana licenses for Benton and Franklin counties are public record and are obtained from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYAPPROVEDRMNP, 57406 N. Thomas Road, Suite B, Benton City. License type: marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: a
If your business is in Benton or Franklin county and has opened/moved/changed names in the last three months, please download this form to be included in this listing.NEW BUSINESSESNew U Women’s Clinic & Aesthetics has opened at 35 S.Louisiana St., Suite A120, Kennewick. The clinic is a one-stop women’s healthclinic....
The Tri-City Americans hockey team hosts its 15thannual Pink Ice Night to draw attention to breast cancer and raise money forthe Tri-Cities Cancer Center Foundation.The program begins at 7:05 p.m. Feb. 28 at ToyotaCenter in Kennewick. Discounted tickets are available for $12 through thefoundation, 509-737-3413.The rink will be painted pink....
Fortunately for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Constance Brown, 88, is easy to shop for.She’s a jigsaw puzzle whiz. The more pieces the better, as far as Brown is concerned.There are 10 or 15 unopened puzzles waiting her attention in the puzzle niche of the Pasco home she shares with...
By Kris JohnsonIn December, Washington employers and manufacturers had a number of items on their holiday wish list. The reauthorization of the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the ratification of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, were at the top.It looks like wishes do come true.When Association of Washington Business members...
McClatchy Co., the longtime parent of the Tri-City Herald and three other Washington dailies, has filed for bankruptcy. McClatchy and its 53 subsidiaries filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the U.S. District for Southern New York on Feb. 13. Chapter 11 allows companies to restructure or eliminate debt as they reorganize and continue to operate. The...
The Richland Dickey’s Barbecue Pit reopens this week but the future is uncertain for its still-closed sister restaurants in Kennewick and Pasco. Kenny Teasdale, a commercial real estate broker with NAI Tri-Cities and owner of a local moving company, reached a deal with the landlord and with Dickey’s Dallas, Texas-based parent company to take over the restaurant at 2530 Queensgate Drive. The arrangement doesn’t cover the closed Dickey’s locations...
Building permit values have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure.KENNEWICKYakima Valley Farmworkers, 6335 W. Rio Grande Ave., $15,250,000 for a new commercial building. Contractor: The Neenan Company.JC Penney Properties, 1659 N. Columbia Center Blvd., $700,000 for a commercial addition. Contractor: Stephens & Sons Construction.Bonnie Jean Plaza, LLC, 5102 W...